For Christmas, I put on a big show and cooked a French-style feast for the family! It was really worth it and I enjoyed cooking a beautiful meal for us to share. But now, I don’t really want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen again, so for New Year’s Eve, I am keeping it low-key with this beautiful AIP Cheese and Charcuterie Platter.
This bistro-style platter is easy to put together and it will definitely impress your guests! Everyone loves good finger food, right?
To build this cheese and charcuterie platter you will need:
- Zucchini Cheese (get the recipe here)
- Lemon-Garlic Hummus (get the recipe here)
- Black olives
- Green olives
- Nightshade-free prosciutto (Most prosciutto sold in stores is suitable for the Autoimmune Protocol. I find mine at our local Sam’s Club. Check the ingredients on the back to make sure it contains only pork and salt)
- Hard salami (Check the ingredients when you buy a salami. I was able to find one that had white pepper as the only reintroduced food needed. I like the brand OLLI – organic – which I find at our local Sam’s Club)
- Artichoke hearts
- Pickles (I use this brand. Check the ingredients on the back to make sure they don’t contain seed spices or nightshades.)
- Radishes
- Grapes, pears, oranges, etc
Feel free to add anything else you would enjoy, such as cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc! There are no limitations, really. I serve this on a huge parchment paper-lined platter. Store the leftovers in sealed glass containers in the refrigerator.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Where do you find artichoke hearts that don’t have citric acid in them? Or do you use ones with citric acid?