Now more than ever it is paramount to keep our bodies strong, well-fed, and well-nourished. Feeding ourselves right is one of the best ways to keep our immune system strong and functioning well, protecting us from disease!
But it can be hard to find the time and energy to cook healthy meals, every single day. I get it! We already have so many things going on in our lives. We are just too overloaded to spend time looking for recipes, meal planning, making shopping lists, and then cooking all those meals!
That’s why I created my online membership program AIP Made Simple: to make the Autoimmune Protocol more simple, more doable for you so you can stick to it for good and reap the benefits of this anti-inflammatory diet.
You can learn more about the membership here, but for the sake of expediency let me tell you that one of the many perks of being a member is that you receive new AIP meal plans every month.

The big advantage of the membership is that I do all the work for you so you don’t have to!
- I create new, nutrient-dense recipes with seasonal ingredients every month (so it’s not always the same old, same old),
- I create appetizing menus,
- I create the shopping lists and equipment lists,
- And finally, I write up clear and concise batch cooking directions so your meal prep session goes like a charm!
These AIP meal plans include:
- a shopping list with all the ingredients you need,
- an equipment list,
- and batch cooking directions to help you meal prep your meals with ease.
- (they also contain individual recipes in case you don’t feel like following what’s on the menu.)
Does this sound like it would help you big time in the kitchen?
I am convinced that you would find these AIP meal plans super convenient and delicious as well! But don’t take my word for it.
Click on the button below to download your own AIP meal plan and see for yourself!

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