I believe that we all have a powerful potential for self-healing if we give our body a chance to repair itself. In order to reclaim your health and overall wellness, you will need to shift your relationship with food and reconnect with your body.
I would strongly recommend you, if possible, to work with a functional medicine practitioner to get medical advice on your current condition and to have all appropriate laboratory testing done. Here is a link to the Institute for Functional Medicine to help you find a provider in your area.
The autoimmune protocol or AIP diet:
You probably have heard about the paleo diet, and the autoimmune protocol. But how do they differ? Down below is a comparison table giving you the main points of each diet in a nutshell.
Fantastic info.
I am with the paleo style of lliving for more than two years now, and it is the best thing I have done in my life.
Congratulation for your web, I love the clear design plus the amazing information.
But I have to recognise, that the thing I like the most is the title. Great!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
AWESOME infographic! Explains the AIP/Paleo difference really really well. Bravo.
Thanks so much! I spent a lot of time on this infographic 🙂 I am so glad to know that it is helpful!
Wonderful biographical as I’m trying to share the healing message to others as well as keep myself on track
The Paleo transition was easy, the AIP has proven much more difficult for me. I’m struggling with everyday options and likely over-thinking it. At any rate, I wanted to “Thank You” for doing some of the thinking for me. I’ve been reading your blog and utilizing your recipes, making an attempt without taking the proverbial plunge; however helpful in reassuring me that I have great resources for when I dive in! Thank you Sophie for sharing!!!
Thank you for your positive feedback Jessie 🙂 I really appreciate it!
I’m a little confused by the “yes food of nuts and seeds” and then it says “no food of nuts and seeds”” which one is it? As far as I’ve been reading into the AIP nuts and seeds, and they should be eliminated?!
Hello Valerie,
The left column is the Paleo Diet (in which you can eat nuts and seeds), and the right column is the AIP Diet (in which you can’t eat nuts and seeds in the strict elimination phase). I hope this helps 🙂
What about saturated fats? I thought that, at least for Paleo, animals fats were encouraged as long as the meat was grass-fed, pasture raised, etc. Thank you for your beautiful site!
Your infographic is very clear and informative. I am new to the AIP , even though I have been gluten free for 1`0 years my symptoms were getting progressively worse and I was fed up with the doctor telling me my extreme exhaustion was ‘nothing’ . I went privately to another doctor who said i had low thyroid ( just below the normal range) which in the UK is not treated. I started taking 25 mg of thyroid meds and felt better within a couple of months. but was given no dietary advice. having read about AIP i stuck to it for 4 months and during that time the severe eczema I had on my hands disappeared. this was proof positive that my inflammation had subsided . I felt very well did not catch colds my friends had and felt marvelous. Following a holiday I started taking liberties with my food ( though still gluten free) started to reintroduce grains and sugar etc. My symptoms have returned, and include very painful headaches and stomach aches which left me exhausted for a week at a time. I am not going back on the AIP and would like some tips on how to combine this with travel and eating out. also does anyone know of a good functional med specialist in the UK?
Hello Nina!
Here are some posts about AIP and travel / eating out:
I hope this helps!
Hi, I just found you on Pinterest. I have had Elaine Baird’s Simple guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol for close to a year now. I finally decided to give it a try after a horrible day of burning pain all over my body; inside and out. It was really frightening!!! I have Hashimoto’s, too, along with a few other autoimmune diseases, which include Small Fiber Neuropathy, probably from undiagnosed Hashi’s for 18 yrs., Fibromyalgia and PCOS. Thanks for sharing info and recipes on your website! I noticed what seems to be an error in your above lists of AIP no, no’s. In Eileen’s book it says that caffeinated teas are allowed, including, black, green, white and Yerba mate (I don’t know what that is!) Did the Protocol change or is that right?
Hello Sue!
Welcome to the blog! Black and green tea are allowed, but in moderation due to the caffeine content. – Sophie